Not actually created at the rate of one a month, but representative of what could be done. Most however were created over a single weekend during the past 25 years or so: some started in As Easy As, and others in QPro. After the initial creation they were then expanded, on an as needs basis.
Period | Category | Description | File Name |
1 | Function Library | ... | schTechLIB.xla |
2 | Loading | ... | as4055.xls |
3 | Loading | ... | schWindAssessment_r02.xls |
4 | Materials Library | ... | schStruMtrl.xls |
5 | Materials Library | ... | schTimberMatrl.xls |
6 | Member Design | ... | schDsgn4600.xls |
7 | Member Design | ... | schDsgn4100.xls |
8 | Member Design | ... | schDsgn1720.xls |
9 | Dimension & Geometry | ... | schAcadLTCivilScriptWriter.xls |
10 | Dimension & Geometry | ... | schDrawSection.xls |
11 | Structural Design | ... | schGableCanopyTimber.xls |
12 | Structural Analysis | ... | schKleinlogel03.xls |
(c)Copyright 2015 Steven Conrad Harrison |
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